Thursday 4 March 2010


The deadline for my second piece of history coursework on the trial and execution of Charles I is tomorrow at three thirty. I started it this morning and my progress so far has been limited. My inherent inability to do anything constructive, or prioritise means that I am writing this and watching Scrubs instead of opening any text books. I think I'll just give up on the idea of sleep tonight. The sun has made me happy. We've reached the point now where if it's sunny, it's not automatically freezing. It's getting dark later too, which is always lovely. I can't wait for summer! Thunderstorms and lawnmowers and strawberries grown locally. Summer always brings positivity. I hope this year isn't an exception.

Ellie Goulding is making me happy. I must have listened to her Live Lounge performance of 'Starry Eyed' at least ten times today! Also, Bombay Bicycle Club's version of 'Whatcha say' puts a rather large grin on my face. I love them, what with their geeky beats and Jack Steadman's haunting warble. Also, the ginger guy is really cute. Maybe this is just me. The vast majority of girls are not attracted to skinny, pale, musical boys. This just makes me think less of girlkind...

Yesterday was a sad day for me. It marked the first anniversary of the death of my lovely dad. Once, Dad and I decided to play badminton in the back garden of our old house on a hot, sunny day. Neither of us were sporty at all, so it was a long, slightly gruelling process, but we always made an effort to get outside and spend some time together (it was during one of these times that I discovered my insane skill for petanque). I ungracefully but enthusiastically brought my racket backwards to hit the shuttlecock, not knowing that our big, ginger mongrel Albert was stood right behind me. I hit him hard on the nose, and was horrified at the yelp he let out. My dad spent all of that day trying to console me (and mopping up the blood pouring from the dog's nose - he was fine, I would like to clarify). We went to the Co-Op and he bought me a book to try to cheer me up. Memories like this never fail to bring a grin to my face. So goodbye Dad, I miss you every day.

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