Friday, 15 April 2011

definitely night time now.

Evening comrades, or is it night time now? By the time I have finished this and you are reading it, it will almost certainly be night time. So I should probably say good night. But then that sounds a bit dismissive, doesn't it? A bit like I've ended before I've even begun. And while I'm sure this would be a relief for you, Mr Reader, it would sort of defeat the point. I have digressed... no matter.

I am pretty much only writing this because I have told myself that I have to complete my essay on representations of the Italian Family by the time I leave for Bristol on Sunday, and at the moment, that is looking like a tremendously unappealing prospect, so I am blogging and applying for work experience on The Archers instead. Such is my life. As an incentive, I have told myself that I am not allowed the new Harry Potter DVD until the aforementioned essay is done and dusted, but my resolve could crumble at any moment.

This woman, artist and freedom fighter Rania Matar has had the brainwave of photographing teenage girls in both the US and the Middle East in the comfort of their own rooms. Turns out, the appeal of messy floors and collaged walls transcends background. What a lovely thought.

Also, stolen from the same website ( is an interesting demonstration of the way in which the feminine ideal is vanishing before our eyes. Quite literally. Marilyn Monroe was at least a size ten. Just saying.

Time for music time now. Have a lovely weekend, and if any of you know anything about Italian literature, do let me know.

1 comment:

  1. it's not literature, but the films 'the son's room' and 'the family friend' both deal with families.

    they're also both better than harry potter.
