Monday, 11 April 2011

ten things that make the holidays excellent.

  1. I never have to wear makeup or look at all good ever - I haven't even put mascara on for four whole days. It's liberating. Of course, I'm always kicking yourself on the rare occasion that someone of interest decides to pay a surprise visit, and I look a bit like the evil one from The Little Mermaid, but luckily, we're not very sociable people.
  2. I get time to get back to the important things in life, such as Waking the Dead and Inspector Morse, then watch lots of silly comedy when I've freaked myself out a bit by watching too much Waking the Dead and Inspector Morse. 
  3. Sun.
  4. I get to see my excellent friends, who much to my relief have remained excellent friends, and whom I shall adore for all eternity. 
  5. There is food in the fridge. Sort of. If you count lard as food. 
  6. The village in which I live is actually quite pretty at times. The neighbours have a beautiful magnolia, and though it becomes less lovely with the passing of the days, it is still pretty magical. And there are ducks and shit residing on the canal. And by shit, I mean actual shit. 
  7. I can catch up with my correspondence (by which I mean texts). 
  8. I saw two cows kissing yesterday. 
  9. I get to spend lots of time with my doting, oh-so-maternal, caring mother. 
  10. Spaced.
N.B. from this point onwards, when I have said little of interest, and as a result can find no relevant picture, I will include a random snap from the Guardian website. You have been warned. 

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